Sahand Door Salmas

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    Salmas Industrial zone , Salmas

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    apartment from domestic sources and imports raw materials from abroad is active. Continuity and deploy services with excellent quality and accuracy to meet international standards for goods and services, and customer satisfaction is the noble objectives of management and employees Sahand Slmasmy door.
     Unique features the doors of Salmas: natural cover Mahbvny and red-colored rash that does not appear in the doors and paint the door and stick with brown nodes is clear. There are no size restrictions on the doors and the size of the contract is made.
     The use of machines in the production line, fully automated
     Technicians are using Turkey as an observer in the production line
    Senior technicians in quality control and packaging

    Among the projects undertaken by the company can be co-Fajr Tehran, Tabriz Basij project, the company Kowsar Tehran, Zanjan Universe project, Qom Campus project, Mehr housing project Jolfa, Mehr housing project in Sanandaj, Zahedan Education Project, Tehran Sama Corps project, waiting for housing co-operatives arranged, housing investment south, Khyber Semnan cooperative housing, cooperative housing Ajabshir, project Contacts Kerman message, cooperative housing, water and sewage Elam, law enforcement Urmia, Urmia wisdom project, housing cooperatives thermal power plant and Kerman is mentioned.