Parsian Choob Alborz

  • Manager:

    Hamidreza Khalilian

  • Manager Email:
  • Sales Manager:

  • Sales Manager Email:

  • Tel:


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  • Address:

    Unit 301 302 303 , No.55 , Niloofar Building , Lavasani Street , Kamraniyeh croosway , Tehran

  • Website:
  • Resume:

    Alborz Industrial Group in 1371 as a trading company to sell and distribute glue was founded in the cellulose industry. On the other hand by examining the domestic and foreign markets and the need to develop products, dynamic company aims to produce Alborz glue PVA glue, launched in 1382.
    With regard to effective communication this industrial group with manufacturing of wood and cellulose country and need to Business Services industry and production of natural veneer and chipboard and MDF and aims to meet this need, in 1385 Parsian wood Alborz Industrial Park babkan established. The company’s main activity is the production and importation of decorative paper, melamine paper.
    Aims to meet the needs of domestic manufacturers of raw materials and equipment, Alborz Industrial Group has established a specialized trading company in 1389 under the name of the Alborz Bhfrtjart.