Wooden Door

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Wooden door details:

Wooden door that the door is made of wood and there is no space between the door or the door is solid wooden door when handling our attention to thermal insulation of the door. When wooden door should have anti-theft anti-combustion wooden door. Once the door due to consider the doors


  1. Wooden doors rotted by humidity are not waterproof.
  2. Wooden door is a high strength.
  3. Wooden doors of resistance is high.
  4. Wooden door sound insulation for your building into account.
  5. Wooden doors for all building doors, including the entrance, lobby, etc. are suitable.

Thecnical specification:

For the manufacture of natural wood doors with wood is different, each has a different price. Wood used to build the usually beech, oak, mulch, alder, maple and more. Page procedural these doors can have different designs and one or more panels are carved on them. Doors with natural wood to changes in temperature and humidity by expanding and contracting So the door to the toilet, bathroom or other wet locations Do not use. Nodes and natural designs of wood on the door brings nature into your space.